about us

Hi and Hello There! 

We are Katie + Mike, pardner's in life and farm since 2007. Yes, we got married and started farming together in the same year. For better or for worse, but most days it feels for the better!

I, Katie, also graduated herb school that same year! I was lucky to get the opportunity to apprentice with the director of The Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine and then attend her first year of the school. It was an incredible and transformative experience. I am an herbalist, but as most know there is no actual certification. I do not have a clinical herbal practice but am happy to refer you to folks if you're looking! I use my herbal studies for myself, my family and to highlight my personal experiences with the plants in the descriptions in our shop. Growing medicinal herbs on this scale has deepened my love, respect and wonder at these small but mightily significant beings we are so blessed to walk with the Earth with. Which also happens to relate to the Kestrel and to how I feel about small farms and doing small, helpful things in this world, at this time. I love this qoute from Kahlil Gibran, " Work is our love made visible." And I do really love what we do!  I was born and raised in Asheville and am in awe every day that I still call these mountains home! I love to study the stars and how they relate to life here on Earth and am always looking to learn more in that realm. My greatest joy is being a mother to my two precious babes, Garnet + Rosa Zo and being married to my best friend! I am an Aries sun, Capricorn moon and Cancer rising. 

Mike hails from Durham, NC attended UNCA and has a degree in horticultural science from Haywood Community College. He managed a small landscaping and gardening business before we started farming together. Mike is an absolute soil and plant wizard. He manages all of the field operations. He is the most fun person to talk to about plants because he sees things from a very grand perspective and has a keen intuition for their needs and how to achieve them in a sustainable manner. He also manages our small herd of beef cattle and is responsible for adding them into our whole-farm operation, to improve soil health. He is a double Aquarius with a Cancer moon. He loves to cook special meals for friends and family, swim in the pond and play with our kids, explore the mountains and watch the birds.

Our passion lies in connecting people with nature, growing community and celebrating and honoring life in all it's forms and glory! Thanks for being here.