marshmallow root

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Althea officinalis

The epitome of cool + moist, this special plant brings so much ease to colds with thick mucus, sinus congestion, dry coughs, constipation, UTI's, and dry conditions in general. An ally for aging humans, an incredible hydrator + kindred to The Moon. 

Best steeped in room temperature or cold water for at least 20 mins (sometimes I do an overnight infusion). A little goes a long way. 

My favorite way to use marshmallow root is to keep an ongoing batch of the strained infusion in the fridge to add to my other teas. It greatly offsets the drying potentials of beloved faves like nettle and blue vervain. 

Roots are dried in their prime in the fall, when the plants energy is descending back to the Earth. We dry at low temperatures over a long period of time in our converted shipping container used for food grade activities only. These roots are personally escorted down to Table Rock Tea Company in SC, where they have been milled to 3/8"-1/4". 



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